Tag: republic day essay

Republic Day 26 January 2020 history

Republic Day history Republic Day As you all know. It is that on 15 Aug 1947 the country was freed from the British yoke after the sacrifice of thousands of patriots. Thereafter Indian resources and law and order came into force in my own country of 26 January 1950. My brother and sister had become […]

History of 26 January- 26 जनवरी 2020

26 January 2020 -topic for college |Essay|26 Jan 2020|26 जनवरी 2020

जैसा कि आप सभी जानते है कि 15 Aug 1947 को अपना देश हजारों देशभक्तों के बलिदान के बाद अंग्रजों की दास्ता (अंग्रजों के साशन) से मुक्त हुआ था । इसके बाद 26 जनवरी 1950 को अपने देश में भारतीय साशन और कानून व्यवस्था लागू हुई । भाईयो और बहिनों इस स्वतन्त्रा को पाने में अपने देश की हजारों-हजारों माताओं की गोद सूनी हो गई थी, हजारों बहिनों बेटियों के मांग का सिंदूर मिट गया था, तब कहीं इस महान बलिदान के बाद देश स्वतन्त्र हो सका था ।

Republic day 2021

Every year, republic day is celebrated on the 26th of January. Grand parade is organized on this day at rajpath and in the meantime there are presidents and prime ministers of the country. Every year the republic day program comprises of a chief guest. This year Brazil President jr bolsonaro the republic day parade of 26th January 2020 will include as chief guest.